Prep-eez Tech Limited is a community level social impact organization that partners with Mobile Network Operators and other relevant stakeholders to enhance agricultural productivity by integrating end-to-end agriculture value chains with other relevant community level value chains.

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Prep-eez invests time and effort in developing communications/transactional solutions that cover micro / macro-sector economies and believes that the niche has a lot of potential to promote ICT usage and utilization in the informal sector with a wider market outlook.As a company, we focus primarily on: strategically positioned to take care of customers across the sub-region.

Unique foods, healthy life wellness products and services.

Technology Development and innovation solutions

HR Services and Opportunities



i-Log Foods Inc., is a US-based company, focused on the consolidation and distribution of a wide range of ethnic, healthy and indigenous food products originating mainly from Africa and the Caribbean; targeted at the ethnic and healthy food loving market.

The company looks to aggregate in demand African and Afro-Caribbean sourced commodities to be distributed to healthy and ethnic food lovers across the world.


Functional drinks

Natural Plantain products

Healthy Cakes and Bread

Avocado products



Prep-eez Tech Limited is a community level social impact organization that partners with Mobile Network Operators and other relevant stakeholders to enhance agricultural productivity by integrating end-to-end agriculture value chains with other relevant community level value chains. The team has over the years successfully developed technological solutions that are being utilized by other African countries to boost business processes and transactional solutions.

Mobile video technology

A mobile platform that enables viewers to access live and recorded video contents on smart screens conveniently. With over one million downloads on google playstore, we partner with MTN Ghana and Nigeria to deliver local contents across the world.

Hailing platform integration

SUPA Service




Our Partners
